So much so that I think of it pretty much every day, every time my husband does something for me, especially something I don't want to do.
In fact, I've started renaming certain household tasks with "dragon" names, so that I can ask him to go slay them for him, then give him a hero's reward afterwards.
*swoon* "Oh D, I'm in danger of being ravaged by the wicked Poo Dragon (dirty diaper that needs changing), who will rescue me?"
*dun duhduhDAAAH!* (in a deep, manly voice) "Never fear, fair maiden, I will save you!"
Then, when the dragon has been slain, I throw my arms around his neck and cry, "My hero!" and plant a big one on him.
I think it will become a source of great embarrassment to my kids as they get older, but do I care? Not a bit.
It started out as a joke, and still is sort of, but it's a great way for us to keep up that sense of fun and plus, it gives him lots of chances to be my champion and gives me just as many chances to, well, be rescued. So:
I'm grateful for my dashing Prince Charming who routinely rescues me from almost certain peril. My real-life Bold and Fearless Galahad.
Like. So much ^_^