So my oldest brother has his own media company ( that has just put out a great short video about teaching children about pornography call "The Decision". It's based off a Friend article and is the first of what we hope to be several videos based off of them. He's trying to get the word out to encourage the creation of positive media for children. I've added a widget to the side to take you to the link------>
In addition, if you are willing to share this link with other people on your own blogs, we can reach so many more. I know many of us have little kids that may be too young to understand the purpose of the video, but I know people with older children that can benefit from it read my personal blog more than this one. (Though I'm still hoping to get some of those veteran moms to join us! )
Here's a link about sharing on your blog.
And my brother has also created a FHE lesson to go with the video
Thank you for taking the time to check it out. It does cost $1 to help cover the costs of making these videos. Your support is appreciated.