
Saturday, January 29, 2011

S.O.S. (stop our stress!)

So, I'm really trying to reduce my stress levels to improve my health. Every time I think I'm doing good, something else just comes up and slaps a layer of stress onto my plate. My girls can be difficult sometimes. Most children are. So I've got a "list" of things to do when they are hitting the nerves and that's been helping. After all, they just want to be loved and shown that.
But what do you do when outside stressors start interfering with your new toned-down life? 
For example, I struggle in my ward. I feel like my callings are given to me with no directions on how to achieve success and no one will help me. I've spoken to leaders and either they disregard my concern, are just as stumped as myself, or they say they will get me the help I need---but don't. In case it's not clear, my girls and Eddie are my life. My current calling greatly interferes with my life. I am a (absolutely inexperienced) cub scout den leader...or an assistant to someone who is as confusing as Russian to a newborn turtle. I don't know what I'm doing AT ALL and everyone assumes I do. I'm never told what in advance we are doing, so I'm constantly unprepared. (Not that I don't ask, over and over) Our den meetings- 7 pm on Tuesdays. Same time as mutual. My husband works evenings... My girls go to bed at 6:30. Can't get a babysitter since everyone that could watch them is also at the church! So when my husband can't take an extended lunch, which he has only been able to do once, the girls are in my hands alone. Last Tuesday= NIGHTMARE! So my only choice I've been given... don't go to the pack mtgs until Ed's schedule changes back. Great. So what's the point?
(Would you believe they gave me this calling because my last one was too stressful! Ha!)
This is just one example of the many things that can throw me off...

So that's my question: 
Do you have anything you do to reduce the stress levels in your life/home? 
Because when mommy's happy, everyone else is happy.

Cheerio Necklace

I needed something to entertain my 2 1/2 year old daughter while rocking my fussy newborn and I recalled making fruit loop necklaces as a kid. I knew my daughter would really enjoy making this because she loves both cereal and necklaces. I didn't have fruit loops in the house but I had honey nut cheerios. We taped a toothpick on the end of the thin yarn (or you can use a thick strand of thread) to use as a needle to thread the cheerios onto the yarn. This made it easier for my daughter to thread her cheerios onto the yarn. Fun to make and yummy to eat!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Since it's been a while and no one has proposed a new topic recently, we are going to open the blog up for
again until a new topic is posted.
 So if something is on your mind that you want to ask your fellow mommy friends about, go ahead!
-Paula :-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Better Late Than Never

So when Paula first posted to put on "sure fire" winning recipes in your home I completely drew a blank! But then I made a meal last night that my whole family absolutely loves and in the words of Gru "light...bulb." So here it is.

Fried Rice
1 pound bacon
1 egg per person
1 bag frozen mixed veggies (I prefer the mix with corn, peas, carrots, etc.)
Rice (how much you would normally make to feed your family. I made 2 cups dry last night and we still had leftovers...with me and two toddlers)
Soy Sauce

Get the rice cooking. In the meantime, chop the bacon into little pieces and cook in frying pan. Just before the bacon is cooked as desired (we like crispy) throw the veggies in the microwave until cooked. After bacon is cooked, depending on how much grease there is you may want to drain some. But not all of it. You need it for the "frying". Scoot all the bacon to one side of the pan and fry the eggs in the bacon oil. Then add all the rice and veggies and stir fry adding a few dashes of soy sauce.

Serve hot with soy sauce.

This isn't the healthiest recipe out there, but it's got protein, grain, and veggies in it!! My family will eat mounds of this any day. And the greatest part is it is great as warmed up leftovers! (And that is saying something because I do not love leftovers.\"/)

There is another variation that I have made before when I didn't have bacon. I just used oil. It was vegetable oil, but we have recently switched to olive oil in our family so I don't know how it tastes with olive oil. I heat up the oil in a pan, and then follow all the same steps starting at frying the eggs. This way of cooking it even won my brother in law over, and he is the pickiest eater I have ever met or heard of in my entire life!!

Fun Food

Hello all. This doesn't quite go with the topic this week, mostly because I don't do this myself, but I thought it might be fun to share some inspiration with the rest of you that have kids old enough to eat this kind of food. I stumbled across this blog called Meet the Dubiens today & immediately loved her Fun Food Friday posts. She does some of the most creative things with food, making it fun for her kids to eat it. Here is a sample of one of her creations! Once Sharon is bigger & can eat more foods, I think I might have to try out some of these fun things for her lunches!