
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Learning new skills

I loved all the posts that have been shared! I try to do many of the same things, which are all terrific. So instead of repeating the same great ideas, I just wanted to add some other stuff we do. After a while, you kind of have to think of new things, a.k.a. things that aren't everyday. Now and again, I work on teaching my daughter how to bake. Yes, I do most of the work, but the feeling of accomplishment when she sees something she helped make... priceless! A favorite is always cookies. (and I'm sure the fact that she gets to lick the beater has nothing to do with it ;-) She can also make pigs in a blanket and mini pizzas all on here own. Baby steps :-)
Other than that, we are working on her preschool skills. Mom has to think of something new everyday, or she's not interested! And to think I have headaches at the end of the day...

One-on-One Time

When L-bug wakes up before T-rex does it is a favorite for both of us we sit in the rocking chair in her room and read books and cuddle. She is so sweet and I love getting time with just her sometimes, being the second she missed out on her own time with Momma so it's good to have that time.

T-Rex doesn't nap as often as L-bug so when she sleeps, he and I get some quality time. He is also a book lover so we read lots of books. One of his favorites right now is puzzles (great brain exercise and fun at the same time!) so we do a lot of puzzles together. If the weather is nice outside sometimes him and I will play outside (uaully playing catch, or swinging).

This time is crucial for both kids to have with both parents! Once Daddy is home a little more often (work travel) we will make time for him too! J didn't know or like his dad very much growing up because he never spent any time with all! So we are determined that the love is spread equally between both him and I! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Little helper

My little girl, S, is very interested doing whatever Mom and Dad are doing. We use the computer, she wants to use the computer. We drive the car, she wants to climb in and try to drive the car. The same is true for cooking. Whenever I start baking I make sure to find ways S can help. She gets extra measuring cups she can use. I also let her help dig into the flour bag (under supervision) with the measuring cup and dump it into the bowl. She gets to play with the spices while I am waiting to use them. I tell her what we are making. Her other favorite thing is to touch the dough when we are done. I think it's great she wants to help with everything so I make sure she has a chance to help. The mess she helps make can be cleaned up, but we'll have good memories doing stuff together. I think as she gets more siblings, it is an activity we can continue to do together that will be special Mommy-daughter time.

I really appreciate too what people have already said about just getting down and playing with your kids with activities they want to do. It really is that simple. Our kids love being with us just like we love being with them.

What we do

Since I only have one child, one on one time is a bit easier to come by. But, that doesn't mean that I am always giving one-on-one time to my daughter. It's easy during the day to get busy with "things:" cleaning, organizing, cleaning, laundry, cleaning, errands, assigments, the computer, etc. I have to remind myself every day what is most important, namely, my daughter. So, when I take the time to spend time with her I like to just sit down with her & do whatever she is doing. She is very good at playing by herself right now (18 months old) but she loves to have someone to interact with. She likes it when I build things with the blocks so that she can knock them down. She also loves it when I dance around the living room with her. Basically, our one-on-one time is just whatever she wants to do at that moment. It could be reading a book, taking all the toys out of the toy box, watching birds out the window, or making a mess. Toys can be picked up, ripped pages can be taped, messes can be cleaned, but the moments I spend with my daughter are priceless & she will remember that Mom played with her & she loved it!

when i have them alone

Since I have two children one who will be two in May she is very busy. We do whatever she wants to do. I play puppets, read books, play dough, or she helps me make Jewelry or Clean. She isn't to picky at this point as long as she gets the one on one time. Already she is so creative and comes up with stuff to do all the time to keep herself busy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Topic: February 27, 2011

When you have one-on-one time with your little ones, 
if you just have one child or you have the chance to get away from the other siblings (nap time!)
what do you like to do with them?
Stock Photo - mother and child 
playing with utensils. 
fotosearch - search 
stock photos, 
pictures, wall 
murals, images, 
and photo clipart