
Monday, October 4, 2010

Getting Started

I'm excited that several people are already on board! This should be fun! Please spread the word to any friends you think may be interested as well. The more ideas, the better :-) You'll be free to add anyone once you've been added as administrator. And this is just in the starting stages of design too, so if anyone of you feel so inclined to make it look nicer (those of you who are pretty good at that stuff *cough* Angela *cough*), by all means, go ahead.

I think we will try to do one topic a week for input. You can either do a new post with a related title or comment on others' posts (which should show up just below).

This week:
What ways were you able to get the most of conference with the little ones?


  1. You mean I wasn’t invited on my own merits? But because of my mad photoshoppin’ skillz?

    . . . I’m okay with that. : )
    I’m excited for this new project.

  2. Oh Angela, you were definitely invited on your own merits! You're mad photoshopping skill are just a bonus :-)

  3. What a great idea for a blog! My kid is 8 months old, so we just have plenty of animal crackers and Gerber puffs on hand. :) We went to a pumpkin festival in between sessions on Saturday hoping to tire her out so she'd have a long afternoon nap. It didn't work. :) Here's to April!

  4. Angela is pretty awesome. General Conference was good for us in the sense that we got to have our son see all the apostles, and talk about the prophet in between singing "Down By the Station" and reading books about Arthur and Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm going to make an "entertain your toddler during general conference" kit for next time, to keep the focus on things related to general conference better. Not sure what I'm going to put in it yet, but no matter what, it'll be good.

  5. Hey Paula...I was thinking maybe after the word gets out and the blog is a little more settled we should do a post of everyone introducing themselves (kinda like Angela and Amanda already did) but more info about them and their kiddos. Whaddya think?

  6. Sounds good, Megan :-) I'm still trying to decide on the little details as well, because the comments only show up after selecting them.... and more. Any questions can be sent to my email at
