
Monday, October 25, 2010

How do I share?

I've noticed that since I got married, and now have a child, I tend to stay home...a lot. I've also noticed that spending so much time at home has drastically reduced the amount of friends I have, especially ones not of our faith. In fact, I'm pretty sure the count is now at zero, unless you count neighbors, though, at this point, I don't. The only real interaction I get with other adult women is at church, where everyone is...well...a member of the church. So, since I pretty much have no friends who aren't LDS, how can I do missionary work? I've wondered about this for awhile now, and I think I've found my answer.
You may be surprised to find out just how many people in the church still need missionary work & fellowshipping. I've seen it first hand in my calling as the Relief Society 2nd Counselor. We go on weekly presidency visits to those who are less active, people we've never even met, or sisters we are just concerned about. The first visit I went on in my new calling was to a 19-year-old girl that we hadn't seen at church since we were moved into a new ward.
We knocked...she opened...we visited for over an hour & it seemed like she was asking all the right questions. Is there a singles ward here? I'd like to learn more about the gospel, are there sister missionaries that could teach me? Where is the church? It was amazing! She is doing so well, & all it took was one visit from sisters who cared enough to go!
I am constantly amazed (though you think I'd get used to it by now) that every time we visit we are guided to the right person at just the right time, when they really need us the most. I've seen lives changed by one visit. People just want to know that they are missed & cared about. Missionary work doesn't have to involve passing out Books of Mormon or Pass-along cards (though that is a great way!). It can simply be doing your visiting teaching, especially to less-active members. It can be sending a letter to a sister you don't know very well. I could tell story after story, just from the last 9 months of serving in the Relief Society of sisters who came back simply because someone took a few moments to let them know they are loved. It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are doing what the Lord wants you to!


  1. Yeah, I always ask myself the same thing because I don't really interact with anyone outside of church either. So I like to do the whole fellowshipping thing since I (unfortunately) haven't receive much of it each time I've moved. I have to make the move, but I want others to feel welcomed... does that count as missionary work?

  2. I vote that it totally does count!
